Edelman Family

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Menorah Fire Truck Parade

Menorah Fire Truck Parade
Video shown at Chabad of Upper Montgomery County's annual dinner honoring the RVFD and its chaplain.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Dear ladies

In honor of my birthday I am inviting you to a Hakhel Farbrengin. You just have to call in to join. Chana Slavaticki (winner) will iyh be giving a 30 minute shiur. Please put this on your calendar so you can be a part of it.

Tuesday, June 23rd Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

9:00 P.M. New York time

219- 509- 8111 \access code: 518518

Lezchus Levi Yitzchak Ben Tzirel for a refua shelaima.

Thank you, Altie

Altie Wolvovsky

Chabad Jewish Center of Sonoma County


Friday, June 12, 2009

Cheskel's Aliya and Kiddush

Cheskel will iy"h be getting the Maftir aliyah in the downstairs minyan of 770. The Kiddush will be in Getzel's shul located @ 1414 at the Kingston entrance.
See you there

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Evening of Entertainment Fundraiser, Folsom

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Evening of Entertainment Fundraiser in Folsom

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Are you making challah this week?

There is said to be a special segulah when 43 people bake challah the same week in the merit of someone. We would like to bake Challah this week for a speedy recovery for Levi. If any of you can bake Challah this week in the z'chus of a refuah shleimah for Levi Yitzchok ben Tzirel please email Hindy at Hindy@denverjewishcenter.com
The details for baking the challah are as follows:

1. The challah needs to be made from wheat, rye, barley, oat or spelt.
2. Water has to be the majority of the liquid contents. (Eggs, honey, etc. not included)
3. At least 3 lb. 11 oz. of flour needs to be used.
Before you start braiding the challah and you take the piece of dough, say the bracha: "Baruch Atah Hashem Elokeinu Melech Haolam Asher Kidshanu Bmitzvotav Vtzivanu L'hafrish Challah." And then add Refuah Shleima to Levi Yitzvchok Ben Tzirel.
The Challah must be made between Thursday 12 pm until Shabbos.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Sivan Birthdays

Here are the birthdays/anniversaries for the month of Sivan:

Tuesday, 10th of Sivan - Rochel Eisenberg nee Deitsch and Esther Tzuker celebrate a birthday.

Shabbos, 14th of Sivan - Zlati & Yossel celebrate their anniversary.

Sunday, 15th of Sivan - Yossi Fogelman, Yummy Mochkin, and Shmully Bernstein celebrate their birthday.

Monday 16th of Sivan - Bubby & Zaidy Edelman celebrate their anniversary.

Tuesday - 17th of Sivan - Cheskel & Bayla Edelman celebrate their anniversary.

Wednesday - 18th of Sivan - Raizy & Yossi Edelman celebrate their anniversary and Nosson Deitsch and Ari Brikman celebrate their birthday.

Thursday - 19th of Sivan - Yankele Ezagui and Eli (ben Nechemia) Tenenbaum celebrate their birthday.

Monday - 23rd of Sivan - Mirel (ben Shaya) Deitsch celebrates her birthday.

Tuesday - 24th of Sivan - Toby & Nadiv Kehaty celebrate their anniversary as do Binyamin & Chanie Kosofsky. We are also celebrating the Wedding of Cheskel and Michali!

Thursday - 26th of Sivan - Sruli (ben Yossi) Edelman celebrates his birthday.

MAzal TOv To All!

Wednesday - 18th of Sivan -