Edelman Family

Monday, June 01, 2009

Sivan Birthdays

Here are the birthdays/anniversaries for the month of Sivan:

Tuesday, 10th of Sivan - Rochel Eisenberg nee Deitsch and Esther Tzuker celebrate a birthday.

Shabbos, 14th of Sivan - Zlati & Yossel celebrate their anniversary.

Sunday, 15th of Sivan - Yossi Fogelman, Yummy Mochkin, and Shmully Bernstein celebrate their birthday.

Monday 16th of Sivan - Bubby & Zaidy Edelman celebrate their anniversary.

Tuesday - 17th of Sivan - Cheskel & Bayla Edelman celebrate their anniversary.

Wednesday - 18th of Sivan - Raizy & Yossi Edelman celebrate their anniversary and Nosson Deitsch and Ari Brikman celebrate their birthday.

Thursday - 19th of Sivan - Yankele Ezagui and Eli (ben Nechemia) Tenenbaum celebrate their birthday.

Monday - 23rd of Sivan - Mirel (ben Shaya) Deitsch celebrates her birthday.

Tuesday - 24th of Sivan - Toby & Nadiv Kehaty celebrate their anniversary as do Binyamin & Chanie Kosofsky. We are also celebrating the Wedding of Cheskel and Michali!

Thursday - 26th of Sivan - Sruli (ben Yossi) Edelman celebrates his birthday.

MAzal TOv To All!

Wednesday - 18th of Sivan -


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