Edelman Family

Friday, June 01, 2007

Birthday Updates

Dear Family,

I must apologise to all those who have celebrated a birthday or an Anniversary in the last two weeks as I was neglectful in my postings.

So here we go:

Monday, May 21 - Daled Sivan - Mendel (ben Peretz) Mochkin and Zisel (ben Yitzchok) Tenenbaum celebrated their birthdays. It was also Zalmen Yuda (ben Shaya) Deitsch's Bris.

Tuesday, May 22 - Hey Sivan - Yossi Bernstein celebrated a birthday.

Friday, Yankel & Seema and Shmully & Toby Lewis celebrated anniversaries.

Sunday, May 27 - Yud Sivan - Chaim's favorite cousin Rochel Deitsch celebrated a birthday.

Thursday, May 31 - 14th of Sivan Zlatie & Yossel celebrated their 29th Anniversary - which is kinda of funny seeing as Zlatie is only 25 years old!!!!

Friday, June 1 - 15th of Sivan - Yossi Fogelman, Shmully Bernstein, and Yummy Mochkin all celebrate birthdays!!!!

Shabbos, June 2 - 16th of Sivan - Bubby and Zaidy celebrate their anniversary!! When you call Bubby and Zaidy erev Shabbos to wish them happy anniversary - they will be staying by Cyrel.

Sunday, June 3 - 17 of SIvan Cheskel and Bayla are getting married! yah!!!!!

Mazal Tov to all those celebrating these milestones!!



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