mazal tov Cheski and Chavale. I'm just checking the blog as usual and there is actually some news that we haven't heard yet. What a cute face - lots of places to pinch! Hope Chavale and baby are doing well.
Mazal tov to Sruli and Gutel and Bubbie and Zaidie.
so, one day apart from the new Lewis addition - not bad.
mazal tov, chesky, chava'le, gutel, sruli, and all family! i go on edelman family and see a new baby!!!!!!!!!! so exciting! He's yum, Chesky, he may be looking like you! and mazal tov to the lewis's, i look up at the last post and now i hear toby had a baby! may both of you have lots of yiddishe chassidishe nachas! raizel and berel
mazel tov cheski and Chavale! We called and got the answering machine so here is the mazel tov written. May you see much chassidishe nachas from him and mazel tov! Mendel and Toby Brikman and kids
mazal tov Cheski and Chavale. I'm just checking the blog as usual and there is actually some news that we haven't heard yet. What a cute face - lots of places to pinch! Hope Chavale and baby are doing well.
Mazal tov to Sruli and Gutel and Bubbie and Zaidie.
so, one day apart from the new Lewis addition - not bad.
By ozzy cuzin, at Tuesday, November 07, 2006 10:52:00 PM
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By Raizel Z., at Wednesday, November 08, 2006 8:18:00 AM
mazal tov, chesky, chava'le, gutel, sruli, and all family! i go on edelman family and see a new baby!!!!!!!!!! so exciting! He's yum, Chesky, he may be looking like you! and mazal tov to the lewis's, i look up at the last post and now i hear toby had a baby! may both of you have lots of yiddishe chassidishe nachas! raizel and berel
By Raizel Z., at Wednesday, November 08, 2006 8:19:00 AM
Mazel tov!
Cheskie and Chava'le
We should only celebrate simchos together
From Chesy, Chani & Mendel Tenenbaum
By Kolleldeals, at Wednesday, November 08, 2006 10:30:00 AM
Mazel Tov!
By Ellie, at Wednesday, November 08, 2006 2:50:00 PM
mazel tov
By HG11, at Wednesday, November 08, 2006 4:03:00 PM
Mazal Tov!!! Mendel is so excited he has a new friend in the world!!! hope babe and mommy are doing well.
Can't wait to see more pics!!
Peretz, Yummy, & Mendel
By Miryum, at Wednesday, November 08, 2006 7:51:00 PM
mazel tov cheski and Chavale! We called and got the answering machine so here is the mazel tov written. May you see much chassidishe nachas from him and mazel tov! Mendel and Toby Brikman and kids
By brikmanbunch, at Thursday, November 09, 2006 5:48:00 PM
mazal tov!! mazal tov!! Yizku lehachnisoi bebrisoi shel avrohom avinu ulegadluhu letorah lechupah ulemaysim tovim!!
By Goldie, at Saturday, November 11, 2006 7:48:00 PM
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