Edelman Family

Monday, October 23, 2006

Belated Birthday Wishes

With Thishrei winding down and my niece getting married - I apologize to all those who had a birthday/anniversary last week that I forgot to post. So here goes:

18 of Tishrei - Elisheva Roth celebrated her first birthday! Happy birthday Ellie!!

22 of Tishrei - Shalom Shaya Wilvovsky celebrated a birthday!

23 of Tishrei - My dear sister-in-law Dr. Sema celebrated a birthday!

25 of Tishrei - Uncle Shloime Ezagui and Binyamin Kosofsky celebrated birthdays

26 of Tishrei - Hindy and Avremi Mintz celebrated an anniversary!

27 of Tishrei - Yuda Holtzberg celebrated a birthday

28 of Tishrei - Gutel Edelman, Mendy (ben Yossi) Edelman celebrated birthdays and Nechemia and Dvorie Deitsch celebrated an anniversary.

For this week: 4 of Cheshvan: Mirel Wilvovsky and Eytan Goldstein celebrate birthdays

I would like to wish all the above mentioned family members Mazal Tov!


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