Edelman Family

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Shevat Birthday

Shabbos Rosh Chodesh - Mirel (bas Chessy) Deitsch celebrates her birthday

Sunday 2nd of Shevat - Nosson Ezagui and Mendel Grossbaum celebrate their birthdays and Rochele & Eli Raskin celebrate their anniversary.

Monday - 3rd of Shevat - Batya Raskin celebrates her birthday.

Thursday - 6th of Shevat - Shua (ben Nechemia) Deitsch and Nadiv Kehaty celebrate their birthday

Wednesday - 12th of Shevat - Raizy Edelman celebrates her birthday.

Friday - 14th of Shevat - Getzel Edelman celebrates his birthday.

Shabbos - 15th of Shevat - Rivky (bas Yitzchok) Tenenbaum celebrates her birthday.

Sunday - 16th of Shevat - Isser Brikman celebrates his birthday.

Tuesday - 18th of Shevat - Zlatie Mochkin and Yossi Goldstein celebrate their birthdays.

Wednesday - 19th of Shevat - Zalmie Mochkin celebrates his birthday and Levi & Miriam Deitsch celebrate their anniversary

Tuesday - 25th of Shevat - Mendel Bernstein and Cheskel Ezagui celebrate their birthday.

Friday - 28th of SHevat - Toby & Mendel Bernstein celebrate their anniversary.

Shabbos - 29th of Shevat - Mick Roth celebrates his birthday.

Sunday - 30th of Shevat - Efraim Lewis celebrates his birthday.

Mazal Tov to all those celebrating their birthdays or anniversaries this month!



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