Edelman Family

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Birthday updates

Dear Family -

Here it is:

Sunday - 1st of Teves - Asher and Sima Gila celebrated their anniversary!

Thursday - 5th of Teves Zaidy Edelman and Doba Brikman celebrate their birthdays. Everyone is expected to call Zaidy for his birthday - either on his cell phone or house phone!

Friday - 6th of Teves - Toby Lewis celebrates her birthday.

Sunday - 8th of Teves - Mendel Brikman celebrates his birthday - so at Yankle's wedding - everyone go wish him happy birthday!

Tuesday - 10th of Teves - we have a very busy day! A fast day, a bris day - but best of all - Bubby's Birthday!!! So we can all wish her a happy birthday in person!

Thursday - 12th of Teves - Mutty celebrates his birthday!

Shabbos -- 14th of Teves - Isaac Mintz celebrates his birthday and Cheskie and Chava'la celebrate their anniversary.

Mazal Tov To all!!



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