Edelman Family

Friday, June 29, 2007

The three Mendel's

The three Mendel's
R to L:
Mendel ben Chesy Tenenbaum, Mendel Grossbaum and Mendel Lewis

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sender Edelman Loves the Camera

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Tenenbaums celebrate the anniversary with a barbeque

The kids got to make their own barbeque too!
The happy newlyweds :)

Birthday Updates

So here goes:

For the day that wins for having the most celebrants -

Sunday, June 17 - 1 of Tammuz : Shalom & Shternie Tenenabum, Ahuva & Mutty Fogelman, and Raizel & Berel Tzuker celebrate anniversaries. Altie Wilvovsky, Laivy Mochkin, Menachem Fogelman, and Chaya'la Deitsch celebrate a birthday.

Monday, June 18 - 2 of Tammuz - Chanie Mochkin celebrates a birthday.

Tuesday, June 19 - 3 of Tammuz - Nochum Bernstein celebrates his Bar Miztvah birthday. FYI: The Bernstein's are having a L'Chaim at the Deitsch house from 7-9 that night to celebrate Nochums' barMitzvah.

Wednesday, June 20 - 4 o fTammuz - Peretz & Yummy Mochkin celebrate an anniversary. Yitzchok Tenenabum, Avremi Schechter and Mendel (ben Yitzchok) Tenenbaum celebrate birthdays.

Thursday, June 21 - 5 of Tammuz - Mendel (ben Chessy) Tenenbaum celebrates a birthday

Shabbos, June 23 - 7 of Tammuz, Goldie Grossbaum celebrates her birthday.

Sunday, June 24 - 8 of Tammuz - Zlatie Edelman celebrates her 3rd birthday!

Tuesday, June 26 - 10 of Tammuz, Rivky and her daughter Mirel celebrate their birthdays!

Wednesday, June 27 - 11 of Tammuz - Dr. Asher celebrates his birthday.

Shabbos - June 30 - 14 of Tammuz - Chessy Tenenbaum celebrates his birthday.

Mazal Tov To All!

I will be leaving this Thursday - June 21 to the country for the summer. I will not have a computer but I will try to get to one so that I can keep posting the birthdays!!

Have a great summer everyone! Toby Bernstein and Family - have a great time in Israel - take lots of pictures and post them so we can see how much fun you had!!



Friday, June 15, 2007

Mendel Tenenbaum dancing the hokie pokie!

Mendel Tenenbaum dancing the hokie pokie with Elmo!


My Antidepressant

Sender Edelman

Monday, June 11, 2007


anyone has photos please post some Thanks


Friday, June 01, 2007

Birthday Updates #2

Here goes June's Birthday/Anniversary List:

Monday, June 4 - 18 of Sivan - Ari Brikman celebrate a birthday.

Tuesday, June 5 - 19 of Sivan - Yankele Ezagui, Nosson Deitsch, and Eli (ben Nechemia) Tenenbaum celebrate birthdays. Yossi & Raizy Edelman celebrate an Anniversary.

Shabbos, June 9 - 23 of Sivan - Mirel (bas Shaya) Deitsch celebrates her birthday.

Sunday, June 10th 24 of Sivan - Binyamin and Chana will be getting married IY"H @ Oholei Torah.

Sunday June 10th - 24 of Sivan - Toby and Nadiv Kehaty celebrate their FIRST anniversary!

Tuesday - June 12 - 26th of Sivan - Srulie (ben Yossi) Edelman celebrates his birthday.

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to the above mentioned people. Mazal Tov!


Birthday Updates

Dear Family,

I must apologise to all those who have celebrated a birthday or an Anniversary in the last two weeks as I was neglectful in my postings.

So here we go:

Monday, May 21 - Daled Sivan - Mendel (ben Peretz) Mochkin and Zisel (ben Yitzchok) Tenenbaum celebrated their birthdays. It was also Zalmen Yuda (ben Shaya) Deitsch's Bris.

Tuesday, May 22 - Hey Sivan - Yossi Bernstein celebrated a birthday.

Friday, Yankel & Seema and Shmully & Toby Lewis celebrated anniversaries.

Sunday, May 27 - Yud Sivan - Chaim's favorite cousin Rochel Deitsch celebrated a birthday.

Thursday, May 31 - 14th of Sivan Zlatie & Yossel celebrated their 29th Anniversary - which is kinda of funny seeing as Zlatie is only 25 years old!!!!

Friday, June 1 - 15th of Sivan - Yossi Fogelman, Shmully Bernstein, and Yummy Mochkin all celebrate birthdays!!!!

Shabbos, June 2 - 16th of Sivan - Bubby and Zaidy celebrate their anniversary!! When you call Bubby and Zaidy erev Shabbos to wish them happy anniversary - they will be staying by Cyrel.

Sunday, June 3 - 17 of SIvan Cheskel and Bayla are getting married! yah!!!!!

Mazal Tov to all those celebrating these milestones!!
