Birthday updates:
Ok - So I was a little behind - I went on a little vacation with Mutty - so here are the birthdays of this past week and this week:
February 4 - the 16th of Shevat was Isser Brikman's birthday.
February 6 - the 18th of Shevat was Zlatie Mochkin's and Yossi Goldstein's birthday.
February 7 - the 19th of Shevat was Zalmie Mochkin birthday and Levi and Miriam's anniversary.
Next Week's Birthdays:
Tuesday, 25 of Shevat - Mendel Bernstein and Cheskel Ezagui share a birthday
Friday - 28 of Shevat - Toby and Mendel Brikman celebrate their 11th anniversary.
Shabbos - 29 of Shevat Mick Roth celebrates a birthday.
Happy birthday and Happy anniversary to all those mentioned above and MAZAL TOV!
February 4 - the 16th of Shevat was Isser Brikman's birthday.
February 6 - the 18th of Shevat was Zlatie Mochkin's and Yossi Goldstein's birthday.
February 7 - the 19th of Shevat was Zalmie Mochkin birthday and Levi and Miriam's anniversary.
Next Week's Birthdays:
Tuesday, 25 of Shevat - Mendel Bernstein and Cheskel Ezagui share a birthday
Friday - 28 of Shevat - Toby and Mendel Brikman celebrate their 11th anniversary.
Shabbos - 29 of Shevat Mick Roth celebrates a birthday.
Happy birthday and Happy anniversary to all those mentioned above and MAZAL TOV!
Happy Birthday and Mazel tov to all the celecrants.
By gutel edelman, at Monday, February 12, 2007 10:59:00 PM
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