Edelman Family

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Tatty Goldstein's 60th birthday party

This is his new Menorah he got from his wife and children.
We enjoyed a beautiful party on Monday night in glatt A la Carte in Boro Park. Aher and kids, Ahuva and kids, Toby and Kids and Yossi were all there. Bubby and Zeidy Edelman came in from Springfield along with Noach and Esther. Cyrel, Shternie and Sholom, Raizy and Yossi, Zlati and Yossel, Sheina and Shloime and Tante Annie and Uncle Mottel were all there. We also had the honor of having Sema Gila's parents and Mendel's parents join,too. We missed Chaya Sara hand Mick and kids but we did see them in the beautiful slide show that was coordinated by Ahuva and Toby.

My mother had custom chocolate lollipops made in honor of the occassion.

The children sang a song about "MY SPECIAL ZEIDY" to the tune of I have a little dreidel Posted by Picasa


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