Edelman Family

Friday, July 28, 2006

Some Wonderful Memories......
There is so much going through my mind that I have to take a minute to collect my thoughts. This has brought a big shock and sadness to my family.
Thinking of Uncle Zalmen Aa"H one very strong memory stands clearly in my mind. This goes back many years ago when we ate at their house . It probably was when my father was away for the army and Tante Cyrel invited us to come and eat there on a Friday night. I recall clearly how the men and boys would sit on one side of the table and the ladies and women in the other side of the table and at one point in the meal there would be a maamer or sicha chzzered by all the Deitch cousins sitting at the table. I remember thinking how impressive this is that no matter how busy of a mivtzoyim day the boys can have on Friday, they knew that their father would be waiting to hear this being given over. They said it with such excitement. I recall clearly in my mind how they would look at Uncle Zalmen when finished saying his part and wait for that nod, smile, or whatever it was that showed the sign of approvement. This is only one small moment yet it had such an impact on me that it never left me.
Tante Cyrel, and cousins and Bubby and Zeidy- our hearts are with you in this trying and tragic time. Hamokom Yenacheche Eschem......

Toby Brikman



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