Edelman Family

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Pictures of Zeesy Grossbaum

Relaxing (in her bath robe) after a hard days work!

A close up.

Don't forget Mendel!
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Saturday, April 29, 2006

Birthday Update

A big apology goes out to Elisheva Mochkin, whoes birthday was this past Firday - Rosh Chodesh Iyar and I forgot to post it. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLIE!!!!!!!Mazal Tov Mazal Tov.

This weeks birthdays:

Toby Brikman & Chaya Sarah Roth will be celebrating a birthday on Shabbos, Ches Iyar. A special Happy birthday to my best sisters in the entire world! I love you!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Baby's name and kiddush details

The baby's name is Zissel Devora (named after Goldie's grandmother and born on the same day as her). The kiddush will iy"h be held this shabbos (Tazria - Metzorah) at Empire Shtiebel after davening! Everyone is invited to come make kiddush, say L'chaim and stay and farbreng all afternoon (provided of course that you have written consent from your wife/mother!).

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Bar Mitzvah Update

Our Dear cousins in Toronto - the Bernstein's -are celebrating their second Bar Mitzvah. We are waiting for them to publish the invitation on the blog - it would have been cheaper than mailing them out!!!! We send out a very big Mazal Tov to Avremel and his entire Family!!

Happy Birthday

Today, Tuesday April 25th - (I do not know the Hebrew date as I am at my computer) is Liba bas Shaya Deitsch's birthday. May she grow up to be a source of Nachas to her family and Klal Yisroel.

Picture of Baby Grossbaum

First picture of Baby Grossbaum released

G G ("Goldie's Girl") (her ZaidyTenenbaum gave her that name till she will be named on Thursday) was born around 5:45 on chof vov nissan 5766 (4/24/06). She weighed 7lbs.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Mazel Tov! Its a Girl

Mazel Tov!!!
Goldie and Yossi Grossbaum Had a Girl!

Details to follow

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Update on our new Shafers

Enjoy and Good Yom Tov
Best wishes from all the Ezagui's

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Gut Moed

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Happy Pesach

All the Ezagui's wish everyone a Chag Kosher Vesomeach
Here are some pics of our recent renovations.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Dear Family,
Seeing as we are all heading into Pesach, I would like to wish everyone a Kosher and Happy Pesach. I will be without a computer (and my calendar) so I will have to wish everyone who had a birthday in the next 2 weeks a happy birthday!

Tuesday, Yud Gimmel Nissan - April 11, Chaya'la bas Levi Deitsch will be celebrating a birthday.

Wednesday, Yud Daled Nissan - April 12, Noach Kosofsky and Rochel bas Mendy Deitsch will be celebrating a birthday.

Friday, Tes Zayen Nissan - April 14, Devory Deitsch and Avremel Bernstein will be celebrating a birthday.

Shabos, Yud Zayen Nissan - April 15, Avromy Mintz will be celebrating a birthday.

Monday, Yud Tes Nissan - April 17, Shternie Deitsch will be celebrating a birthday.

Wednesday, Chof Alef Nissan - April 19, Sara'la Mochkin will be celebrating a birthday.

Shabbos, Chof Daled Nissan - April 22, Chanie Kosofsky and Mendy ben Srulie Edelman will be celebrating a birthday.

It looks like the Deitsch Family will be doing a lot of celebratinig over the Pesach Yom Tov!! Mazal Tov to all!!!

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Please read the recipes again - I corrected one of them - instead of 3 egg whites - it is suppose to be 13!!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A Few Pesach Recipes

Here are just a few tried and true recipes for Pesach. They are outrageous!!!

Peach Jam - this is absolutely divine!

5 yellow peaches - peal and cut into 8ths. In a large pot (or double layer it) cover the peaches with water and then 1/4 of an inch above the peaches. Add 1 cup of sugar. Bring to a boil and then lower the flame to medium. Simmer for 1 hour until thickens but stir every 10 minutes so that it does not stick or burn.


25 oz of OJ
5 oz of Lemon juice
1 cup sugar

now this next one is from Raizy and it is beyond words........13 egg whites
1 1/2 cups sugar, 10 oz ground walnuts. Beat whites until stiff - add sugar and fold in nuts. Bake in a 10x16 pan for 30 min at 350.

then add 13 egg yolks, 1 cup oil, 1 cup sugar 8 oz melted chocolate - a good one , 2 teas. coffee in 2 TBS boiling water. Pour over nut layer and bake for 20 more min. Freeze and cut when Frozen.

Cyrel discovered this next recipe - soup madlach
2 eggs beaten, then add 1 cup potato starch and 2 TBS oil ( may need a little more) roll into a log a pinch off pieces. Bake for 1 hour ar 350.

One more recipe - butter cookies

2 eggs
1 cup oil
1 cup sugar
2 cups potato starch
6 oz ground walnuts

roll into balls and bake for 10 min at 350

Let me know how they went over at your home!!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Uncle Yankel on Shturem

Uncle Yankel on the left in 770 during the early 70s

Below is the link to shturem.net

Pesach Cookbook

Dear Family Members,
With the great success of the Edelman Family Cookbook, I would like to put together an Edelman Family Pesach edition. So if you could please pay attention over Pesach and see which of your recipes were a hit and then e-mail them to me at ahuvapta@aol.com so that I can compile the cookbook for next year IY"H. Had I thought about this a few weeks ago we would have had it for this year - sorry!!! So again - please send in all you favorite and yummy recipes so that we can all share them.

Monday, April 03, 2006

We want to wish a very big Mazal Tov the Rochelle, Eli and Malkie Raskin on the birth of their new baby boy. Mazal tov to the proud grandparents and uncles too. Please keep us posted on when the bris will be.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

This Weeks Birthdays

Celebrating a birthdya this week are:

Sunday - April 2 - Deled Nissan - Ahuva Fogelman

Monday - April 3 - Hei Nissan - Henya Holtzberg

Wednesday - April 5 - Zayinn Nissan - Bryna Kosofsky

Mazal Tov to all and may we continue to share our simchas together.