Edelman Family

Thursday, March 09, 2006


It's time for you to get in on the act and start posting. Us city slickers would like to know what you get up to and there is no better time then now, Purim to start. We would love to read and see what your doing. NO EXCUSES.

For all other family members we would love to see what costumes you &/or your kids were wearing.



  • B"H

    One Purim, Seven Megilla Readings,
    390 people and endless joy!

    Purim celebrations this year began on Sunday morning with a fun-filled activity by the Chabad Hebrew School. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed refreshments.

    On Monday night was the Megilla Reading, where over 200 children and adults packed the sanctuary for a standing-room-only crowd! At 6:30

    Purim Day began with beautiful Shalach Manos packages being delivered to hundreds of homes. The packages were prepared by the Teens 4 Torah were local teens meet every Wednesday night and filled with delicious food and gifts. Thank you to all who ordered the Shalach Manos and to all who helped pack them.

    After the morning services and the Megilla Reading at our Shul, there were a number of Megilla Readings and Program in the east valley Area, especially for the elderly. There was a Program by at the Chandler Jewish Preschool and Megilla reading.

    Finally. Purim with a taste of Mexico! The grand finale of the day was the Purim Dinner for the entire family. This year's theme for the community Purim feast was Purim In Mexico. Close to 300 costumed and non costumed adults and children showed up for this one-of-a-kind celebration. the place began filling up with happy children dressed in colorful, cute and creative costumes in the festive Purim spirit. After some traditional Purim songs, the Rabbi introduced the entertaining slide show presentation of the story of Purim acted out by the children of the Chabad Hebrew School that would accompany the Megilla reading, and began the Megilla reading. Boy, the sound of those Graggers could split the sea! You could feel the energy of the crowd, it was just incredible. After the Megilla reading, the children got to go on stage and show off their costumes and get a Shalach Manos gift bag. and a gift donated by comet management After cocktails and a outstanding buffet, and some more cocktails, at the open bar, there was terrific dinner prepared by Simply scrumptious. the Rabbi gave (what we think was a) Dvar Torah and entertained us all, Charlie the magician entertained the children and the Mariachi band played for the adults. the children lined up for a PiƱata splash, rabbi LIpskier didn't speak. at least no tin the microphone.

    Thank you all for coming and making it the greatest Purim party in the Valley.

    By Blogger Mendy D. AZ, at Sunday, March 19, 2006 11:00:00 PM  

  • as soon as i figure out how to upload a picture i will send those too.


    By Blogger Mendy D. AZ, at Sunday, March 19, 2006 11:01:00 PM  

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