Sibling communication
I find it hard to believe that if one sibling in the family knows about something that they do not share the info with the rest of the family - point in case our cousins the Ezagui's - Toby (who posts all the time - thanks) and Yankele (who posted the picture) and Chanala (who has her own link) failed to tell big brother Cheskel about our blog. Same goes for the Edelman family of NY - I spoke to Rochele tonight (thank you Rosie and Binyamin for informing her of the Melava Malka - you see posting on the blog really works!!) and she had no idea that we have a blog. So please go through you family members and make sure everyone know about us and that they e-mail Chaya Sarah to get an invitation to post. Regards to all.
It helps to have the older generation listening in too. I told Benyamin about the Melave Malke when he called me on the way to dinner at Yossi and Raizy. I also told him to pass the info on to Rochele. Enjoy the Melave Malke and you know how much bubby and zaidy kvell when you all get together - a phone call to them during the festivities won't hurt. Good Shabbos to all.
By Tante Esther, at Friday, February 24, 2006 11:59:00 AM
no wonder why we keep on seeing the same people posting! please pass the word on to everyone and every family should make it their business to post an article at least once a week so we can all see what's been happening in the family and be a part of it. the blog will only continue if people post articles on it!!
enjoy the melave malka and someone please post pictures of it for all those unable to attend - so can get an idea of how much fun you had!!
By ozzy cuzin, at Saturday, February 25, 2006 5:33:00 AM
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