Edelman Family

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


We are in the midst of learning Tanya Baal Peh in school to raise money for the Chevron community. We are asking for sponsors to help us reach our goal. If you want to sponsor us per line of Tanya baal peh or per perek, please let us know. Either comment or email us @ brikmanfam@msn.com or even call us at 718-774-2341. We look forward to hearing from you,
Yossi Brikman grade 3
Isser Brikman grade 2
Menachem Fogelman grade4
Yossi Fogelman grade 2

birthday update

Tomorrow, Rosh Chodesh Adar Channah Fogelman will be celebrating her 1st birthday. Mazal Tov Mazal Tov and may she continue to bring Nachas to all.


Dear Family,
For all those in need of SHalach Monos baskets to send to people or to buy for yourseld cehck out Oholeitorah.org for see this years collection. All proceeds go to the PTA and towards the betterment of our boys in school. For more info you can call me.


Birthday Update

Today Efraim Lewis ( Toby Tenenbaum's) is celebrating his 4th Birthday. Mazal Tov Mazal TOv and may he continue to bring much Nacahs to all.

Monday, February 27, 2006

From the Archives

Mother like daughter


Garden Fever

For those of you who were not aware Mick and the kids have planted a vegetable patch in our garden. It has corn, cucumber, zuchini, tomatos, hot peppers and many types of herbs and spices.

Our Garden

Close Up Peppers on the bush

Close Up Peppers off the bush

The biggest zuchini you have ever seen on the plant

The biggest zuchini you have ever seen off the plant
It was 9 inches long and 3 inches wide

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Birthday Wishes

We would like to wish a very happy birthday to Mick Roth. Mazal Tov Mazal Tov.
Posting a comment does not take the place of an actual call!!!! but please post comments and call!

Mazal Tov Updates

A very big Mazal Tov goes to Toby &Mendel Brikman who celebrated a 10 year wedding anniversary! Mazal TOv Mazal Tov and may the next years together brign much happiness, propesrity peace a Moshiach now!

Chaplain Chesy

Chaplain Chesy Tenenbaum in action

Melava Malka

Thank you Ahuva & Motty for hosting such a beautiful party, thats RIGHT it was beautiful, there is nothing LEFT to say other then we should have the whole family together from ACCROSS the globe and have many more party's. Mochiach Now!

Melava Malka

We had a great Melava Malka - everyone showed up (except for Cheskel Ezagui - who was away with friends) and Toby played a great game with us we had gifts passing right and left and across the table!!! - to all Shlichus - Toby will post the game and you must play it with your ladies at the next ladies night. The food was great and so was the company. We got a chance to see Peretz and yummy before they move - but they will be back for Pesach so that was good news to hear. Peretz will be posting pictures as he was the one with the camera.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Make $100

Edelmans want to make $100?
Free $100 gift card for applying and getting approved for the new Citi Simplicity credit card

Click here to apply

For this and more deals go to Kolleldeals.com

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Sibling communication

I find it hard to believe that if one sibling in the family knows about something that they do not share the info with the rest of the family - point in case our cousins the Ezagui's - Toby (who posts all the time - thanks) and Yankele (who posted the picture) and Chanala (who has her own link) failed to tell big brother Cheskel about our blog. Same goes for the Edelman family of NY - I spoke to Rochele tonight (thank you Rosie and Binyamin for informing her of the Melava Malka - you see posting on the blog really works!!) and she had no idea that we have a blog. So please go through you family members and make sure everyone know about us and that they e-mail Chaya Sarah to get an invitation to post. Regards to all.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Melava Malka

The Edelman Cousins are having a Melava Malka in honor of Peretz and Yummy. It will be held at Ahuva and Mutty's apartment on Motzei Shabbas at 9 pm. If you are reading this and were already told about it - there was one mistake, I told everyone to bring one wrapped item valued at $5 - Each person attending needs to bring a wrapped item valued at $5. Please pass the message along to all - but I will try to make the calls again. Hope to see everyone there! I did not get a hold of Rochel'le Raskin yet - if someone has her phone number or would like to call her for me I would appreciate it. Thanks

Happy Birthday

I stand to be corrected - Thursday, 25th of Shevat is Mendel Bernstein birthday.
It is also Cheskel Ezagui's birthday. So happy birthday to them both! Mazal TOv Mazal Tov!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bubby & Zaidy T. enjoy time with the Mendels

L to R - Mendel Grossbaum (Goldie's) Mendel Lewis (Toby's) Mendel Tenenbaum (Chesy's)

see any resemblance between the three?!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Tanta Esther

The Edelman Family Blog would like ti wish Tanta Esther a speedy recovery - she suffered a small eye injury and could not make it into Crown Heights for the Convention - I for one missed her as she always stops by to say hello!!! So if you all want to pick up the phone and call her to "see" how she is feeling I am sure she would appreciate it.

Happy Birthday

The Edelman Family Blog would like to wish Rabbi Medel Bernstein a very happy birthday.Mazal TOv Mazal Tov!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Chaya Sara makes it to shmais!

I was checking out shmais and glancing at the recipe of the week and I'm thinking it looks so familiar, where did I just see it... and then I see, submitted by Chaya Sara Roth! So exciting to see names of relatives on shmais! But shmais doesn't know that that the recipe was on edelmancorner first...! Now that I've seen the recipe twice, I'm going to try it out.

Chabad of Tyson meets Ozzy Cuzin

After a hectic week for the Deitsch's we finally managed to spend some time together. We shmoozed. We ate. We had a really fun time.

Unfortunatly it was late so the kids couldn't play together but last shabbos we all ate at Miriam's parents where the kids really got a chance to bond with their cousins.

We look forward to hosting you when you come down here.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Mommy Mochkin. You look 21 but we all know that you're 27, cant fool us! Much Nachas from all of us. Love the kids...
(Took her to Amazon Cafe, everyone enjoyed, the fish was so good it could end up on the Kretchme menu!!!)


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Welcome Back

It is now official - Peretz and Yummy have come back to Crown Heights after a very looooong honeymoon in Israel!!! Its' great to have them here even if their stay is only a brief stop on their way to their Shlichus out in California - it just gives us another reason to head out West. Between Altie and Peretz all those high school cousins who need a "Shliach in the family" to go to California have it covered!!!
Welcome back

Birthdays and Anniversaries

A very happt birthday to Isser Brikman who turned 8 on Tuesday, 16th of Shevat. On the 18th of Shevat Zlatie Mochkin and Yossi Goldstein both celebrate a birthday and on the 19th of Shevat Zalmie Mochkin has a birthdy and Levi and Miriam Deitsch celebrate an anniversary - So a big Mazal Tov to all!!!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Blizzard '06 in the BIG APPLE

it's quit hectic here in NY. im supposed to leave tonight back to Florida , but that just might not happen tonight.
24" is quiet a number

Thursday, February 09, 2006

From the Archives

Henya, is this the picture you are talking about?
Now what is Ahuva talking about?

Havdala in Springfield- must be after a Yomtov.

Remember the Tenenbaum's old house? When all the cousins could fit on the front steps for a picture?


Quick cooking

This recipe has been tried and tested and it's easy and delicious. Enjoy and let us know how you liked it.

Sweet'N Sour Chicken

1 lb chicken shnitzel cut into bite size pieces.
soy sauce for marinating.

1 C brown sugar
1 C vinegar
2 tsp soy sauce
1/4 cup water
3 carrotts, cut into julienne strips
2 red pepper, cut into julienne strips
1 small can pineapple pieces with juice
2 tsp cornstarch
few drops of water

Marinate chicken in soy sauce.
In a pot, bring sugar, vinegar, Soy sauce and water to a boil. Add carrotts, red peppers and pineapple pieces with the juice and bring to a boil again. Mix in cornstarch and few drops of water.
Fry the chicken pieces in hot oil until golden brown. Just before serving, pour sauce over chicken and serve with brown rice. YUM!!


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Happy Birthday

The Edelman Family Blog would like to wish a very happy birthday to one of our favorite aunts - Raizy Edelman on the 12 of Shevat and to Getzel Edelman on the 14th of Shevat. The reason for the early birthday Mazal Tov is because Mutty & I will be out of town for the weekend - we are taking our big boys on a vacation while their grandparents watch Chaim & Kayla. So a Big Mazal Tov to the birthday individuals, and a good Shabbos to all.


Ess & Bentch

Memories of Ess & Bentch
Who remembers the Tuna fish sandwich with the pickle wrapped inside the wrapper?

Uncle Sholom in front of Ess & Bentch in 1981

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Shabbos of Chof Beis Shevat

Dear Fellow family members,
This is an open invitation to all to stop by and visit me on Shabbos as I can not leave my house because Channah is not walking yet. So please stop by so that I can see everyone!
Till then....

Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Yankel classic

Who knows what year and where this picture is taken?

Happy Birthday

The Edelman family Blog would llike to wish Shua Deitsch a ver happy birthday - it is a special birthday for him as it is his upsherenish! So Mazal Tov and may you continue to bring Nachas to everyone. Please post a picture so that we can all see what you look like with your new hair cut!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Mendel Grossbaum enjoys his birthday cake!

From the Archives

In the year ....

When glasses were large and took over the face
There were two young girls caught up in the race

To tell them apart they wore red and blue
As they looked so alike it was hard to tell who was who

One had a hair do so high you could not see
The other so kindly smiled with glee

If anyone has photos from the past to share
Please post it on the blog so we can all look and stare


Back to School

The new school year has just begun. This is a picture of the kids first day at school and for the first time Naftali is wearing school uniform.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

updated e-mail address

A request was put in to update the family's e-mail address - and for that matter regular address and phone/cell numbers. So to make life easy, please e-mail them to Chaya Sarah so that my great brother-in-law Mick can set it up to a link so that when we need to look up someones e-mail or regualr address we do not have to search the Shmais phone book. Sis - I hope that that is o.k. with you. This is one way we can all stay in touch.
Keep those pictures coming!!!!

Mendel Tenenbaum

Mendel ben Chesy Tenenbaum at 7 months old helping his mother with the laundry