Edelman Family

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Adar Birthday List

Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B'Simcha......

Wednesday Rosh Chodesh Adar - Channah Fogelman celebrates her 4th Birthday.

Shabbos - 4th of Adar - Yossi (ben Nechemia ) Deitsch and Rosy Roth Celebrate a birthday.

Sunday - 5th of Adar - Yitzchok and Chaya Estti Tenenbaum celebrate their anniversary.

Monday - 6th of Adar - Srulie and Yossi Ezagui their birthday.

Wednesday - 8th of Adar - Naftali Roth celebrates his birthday.

Friday - 10th of Adar - Toby Kehaty and Meyer Kosofsky celebrate their birthdays.

Sunday - 12th of Adar - Aharon Goldtein, Mendel Mintz and Berel Tzuker celebrate their birthdays.

Monday - 13th of Adar - Shimmy (ben Yitzchok) Tenenbaum celebrates his birthday.

Tuesday - 14th of Adar PURIM - Levi Deitsch celebrates his birthday!!!

Wednesday - 15th of Adar - Peretz Mochkin and Mendel Ezagui celebrate their birthdays.

Thursday - 16th of Adar - Yosef Goldstein celebrates his birthday and Chaim & Zalmen Brikman celebrate their 1st birthday!

Friday - 17th of Adar - Avrohom Wilvovsky celebrates his birthday.

Shabbos - 18th of Adar - Shaya and Devorah Leah Deitsch celebrate their anniversary.

Monday - 20th of Adar - Shmully Lewis celebrates his birthday.

Wednesday - 22 of Adar - Chaya Lewis celebrates her birthday.

Thursday - 23rd of Adar - Cyrel celebrates her birthday.

Friday - 24th of Adar - Seema celebrates a very big birthday and Chaya Sarah & Mick celebrate their anniversary!

Monday - 27th of Adar - Mendy Deitsch and Nechemia Tenenbaum celebrate their birthdays.

Wednesday - 29th of Adar - Chessy Deitsch celebrates his birthday.

Mazal tov to all those who have a simcha this month - and please don't forget that if you have a birthday - you have the Koach to give someone else a brocha - call Levi!!!!!


Monday, February 16, 2009

Memorial Service at the WA state Capitol

Every two years there is a joint session of the Senate and House of Representatives of WA state to honor past legislators who have died. I was aked to do the memorial prayer.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bubby at the kinus

Bubby in the front row of the Kinus picture.

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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Zaidy on Living torah

Zaidy on Living torah

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Happy Birthday

Sorry about not posting sooner - but I had to disconnect my computer at home - it was getting out of hand!!!

So here goes:

The Mazal Tov list for the month of Shevat:

Sunday - 1st of Shevat - Mirel (bas Chesky) Deitsch celebrated her first birthday.

Monday - 2nd of Shevat - Nosson Ezagui and Mendel Grossbaum celebrated a birthday and Rochele and Eli Raaskin celebrated an anniversary.

Tuesday - 3rd of Shevat - Rochele and Eli Raskin celebrated the birth of their new baby girl Batya.

Shabbos - 6th of Shevat - Shua (ben Nechemia) Deitsch and Nadiv Kehaty celebrtaed their birthday.

Friday - 12th of Shevat - Raizy Edelman celebrates her birthday.

Sunday - 14th of Shevat - Getzel Edelman celebrates his birthday.

Monday - 15th of Shevat - Rivky (bas Yitzchok) Tenenbaum celebrates her birthday.

Tuesday - 16th of Shevat - Isser Brikman celebrates his birthday.

Thursday - 18th of Shevat - Yossi Goldstein and Zlatie Mochkin celebrate their birthday.

Friday - 19th of Shevat - Zalmie Mochkin celebrates his birthday and Levi& Miriam Deitsch celebrate their anniversary.

Thursday - 25th of Shevat - Mendel Bernstein and Cheskel Ezagui celebrate their birthday.

Sunday - 28th of Shevat - Toby & Mendel Brikman celebrate their anniversary.

Monday - 29th of Shevat - Mick Roth celebrates his birthday.

Tuesday - 30th of Shevat - Efraim Lewis celebrates his birthday.

Mazal Tov to all and in the zechus of all those birthday people(remember on your birthday you have the koach to bench people) Levi Yitzchok Ben Tzirel should have a complete and total refuah Shleima.
