Edelman Family

Sunday, November 30, 2008

From Tzila Glidai

Dear cousins,

I just wanted to express our heartbreak at the horrendous terrorist attack which in this case hit the Lubavitch community specifically but has affected Jews everywhere. In Israel ,as you know ,terror attacks are not uncommon. I know two families that have lost their children and they are raising their grandchildren. One day soon it will all be over.One day soon Hashem will reign. He alone has the power to heal our pain.

Besorot Tovot,


email: tsila46@walla.com

Friday, November 28, 2008

Bris this Sunday

The bris for baby Lewis will take place this Sunday IY"H
9:30 Shacharis and 10:30 bris
at the Chabad Center of Sparta, 191 Woodport Rd., Sparta, NJ 07871

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tzedakah Erev Shabbos

Dear Family,

Besides for trying to complete the entire Sefer Tehilim everyday for a refuah sheleima for Levi, I was asked to post the following - every erev Shabbos, when we give tzedakah - if we could please give a little extra in zchus of Levi.

Thank you


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Kinnus - More Photos

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Picture of the day - COLlive.com

Prager (R) and Rabbi Yossi Grossbaum, Folsom, CA * Photo by Meir Dahan/COLlive.com

Conservative radio talk show host Dennis Prager was seen last night at the Kinus Hashluchim banquet in Manhattan. "It is my honor to be here, because Chabad is the most dynamic force in Jewish life," Prager was quoted as saying. "I learn from many [Shluchim] out there in the field."

Monday, November 24, 2008

Kinus picture

Chesy Tenenbaum in Haaretz newspaper

Kinus Hashluchim 5769

Photos courtesy of: Aryeh Zuber


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Birthday Updates

Celebrating a birthday this week:

Monday - 26th of Cheshvan - Mendel (ben Shaya) Deitsch shares his birthday with his brother Dovy and his cousin Mendel (ben Nechemia).

Thursday - 29 of Cheshvan - Sara Rivka Ezagui celebrates her birthday.

Friday - Rosh Chodesh Kislev - Esther and Noach celebrate their anniversary, as well as Altie and Mendel Wilvovsky.

Mazal tov to all and to the Deitsch and Lewis family on their newest memebers - the 100 and 101st great grandchildren fo Bubby and Zaidy Edelman!!!


Yankele wrote 26 30
Tenenbaums will do 31 - 60
May we have lots of good news to share!
Mazal Tov Mendy and Shternie Deitsch on the birth of their baby girl - Luba Alta Taible
Mazal Tov Shmuli and Toby Lewis on the birth of their baby boy!

tehilim update

The Goldstein family will be covering 1 - 25 in tehilim.

As each family passes along the message - please post it online so that we know the message got out.

Friday, November 21, 2008

From the Deitch Family

From the Deitch Family,

As many of you already know, Levi is going to be changing his course of action.
During this time period we were thinking that it would be a nice idea if we split up the tehillim to be said daily by all the Edelman cousins. From now, Shabbas Mevarchim rosh chodesh kislev, the weekend that the Rebbe established for the kinus hashluchim, to coincide with the Rebbe’s recovery from his sickness, until Levi’s birthday: Purim, we are asking each family member to say capital 33 and an additional 5 kapitalach daily.
If anyone has any ideas, please share. Our idea was to go in family order, starting from the top, as we go down the list, kapital 119 will come into play, and who ever ends up, with it, please split it up.

Thank you,

the Deitch family

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Birthday Updates

So, I am once again going to start posting everyones birthdays on the blog! Here goes.....

Celebrating a birthday this week:

Wednesday, 21st of Cheshvan - Malky Rasking celebrates her birthday

Thursday, 22nd of Cheshvan - Batya Ezagui celebrates her birthday.

Friday, 23rd of Cheshvan - Mendy Mochkin celebrates his birthday.

Mazal Tov to all!!


Thursday, November 13, 2008


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Summer Fun!

This is our newest family picture taken by Dini Groner this summer! The Fogelmans'


Monday, November 03, 2008