Edelman Family

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Birthday updates

Dear Family,

Sorry that I did not post the month of Sivan's birthdays...... So here goes:

Friday 3rd of Sivan - Bayla Edelman celebrated a birthday.

Shabbos - 4th of Sivan - Mendel (ben Peretz) Mochkin, Zalmen (ben Shaya) Deitsch, and Zissel (ben Yitzchok) Tenenbaum celebrated birthdays.

Sunday - 5th of Sivan - Yossi Bernstien celebrated a birthday.

Wednesday - 8th of Sivan - Seema & Yankel and Toby & Shmuly Lewis celebrated their anniversaries.

Friday - 10th of Sivan- Rochel Deitsch shared her birthday with Esther Zuker!

Tuesday - 14th of Sivan - Zlatie and Yossel celebrated their 30th Anniversary!!!

Wed. - 15th of Sivan - Yossi Fogelman, Shmully Bernstein, and Yummy Mochkin celebrated their birthdays.

Thursday 16th of Sivan was Bubby and Zaidy's Anniversary!

Friday - 17th of Sivan was Cheskel & Bayla Edelman's anniversary.

Shabbos - 18th of Sivan - Ari Brikman celebrated a birthday and Raizy & Yossi celebrated an anniversary!

Sunday - 19th of Sivan - Yankele Ezagui, Nosson Deitsch, and Eli (ben Nechemai) Tenenbaum will celebrated their birthday.

Thursday - 23rd of Sivan - Mirel (bas Shaya) Deitsch will celebrated a birthday.

Friday - the 24th of Sivan - Toby & Nadiv Kehaty along with Binyamin & Chanie Kosofsky will celebrate their anniversaries.

Sunday the 26th of Sivan - Sruli (ben Yossi) Edelman will celebrate his birthday.

Unfortunately, I will be leaving for the mountains this week and will be computer less until Labor Day! So for all those people celebrating a birthday or anniversary in the months of Tammuz or Av - I will call you but I cannot post your birthdays on line! So family - look at your calenders and Call!!!

Wishing everyone a happy and safe summer!!



Friday, June 20, 2008

Moshe :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008


We would like to invire everyone to Chana'le Ezagui's 8th grade graduation this sunday, june 22,2008 9:30am . It's being held at Campus Chomesh - 470 Lefferts Ave.

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Mazel Tov Bubby and Zaidy!

Mazel Tov Bubby and Zaidy!

Mazel Tov to Bubby and Zaidy on their 60th wedding anniversary.
May they have many more years of happiness and health and nachas fron their children grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Let the phones start ringing!!!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Kiddush this Shabbos

Everyone is invited to join in the Kiddush for Chana Rochel Tenenbaum this Shabbos in 770, (under the vaiber shul), after davening.
Nechemia & Rivky Tenenbaum

Monday, June 16, 2008

Baby Esther Zucker

Esther was born on Friday, Yud Sivan, at 10:57 am. She is 7'5 ounces, 19 1/2' long. B'h She's behaving very well! Mendel, on the other hand, is another story! He is enthralled by his new sister.
Simchos by everyone!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Birth Announcement

Mazal Tov Mazal Tov to the Tzuker and Mochkin families on the birth of a baby girl.

Mazal Tov to Raizel and Berel and the grandparents and great grandparents.

May she grow up to be a source of nachas to everyone!


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Elisheva, Etty and Rochelle all graduated last week from touro with their BA's. Mazal Tov!

Moshe...8 Months Old

Shua Tenenbaum

Shua Tenenbaum


Monday, June 02, 2008

As seen on Shmais...


Sunday, June 01, 2008

Bris Monday morning

Michal and Aron Strauss are making a bris tomorow in West Orange NJ.
Shacharis: 7:30 , Bris: 8:15
Ahavas Achim 700 pleasant Valley Rd. off exit 7 of the 280.

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Mazel Tov

Mazel Tov to Bintomin and Chani Kosofsky on the birth of their first born daughter Rivkah Gittel, May she be a source of much nachas. A special mazel tov to the new bubby and zeidy Noach and Esther.

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