Edelman Family

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sema had a baby girl today. Everyone is doing B"H fine. She weighed 6lb 11oz, born at 434pm.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Pesach at the Tenenbaums

Pesach at the Tenenbaums!
Zaidy and Bubby Tenenbaum with some of the ainaklach!

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Friday, April 18, 2008

Bris Updates

For all those who do not know....

Toby and Mendel's boys names are:

Chaim Moshe and Zalmen Mordechai.

May they give their parents and family much Nachas.

Henya and Yuda's baby's name is Sholom Dov Ber.

May he give his parents and family much Nachas.

Good Yom Tov to all!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Model Matzah Bakery in Maryland


Sunday, April 13, 2008


For all the Baseball fans.
Take Me Out To The Ball Game in Yiddish


Mendel Tenenbaum singing Kaddish Urchatz

Mendel Tenenbaum singing Kaddish Urchatz!


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Next week in the Edelman family....

Friday night I"YH Yuda and Henya Holtberg will be hosting a Shalom Zachor at thier home in Honor of the birth of thier baby boy.

Sunday morning I"YH, at Chovavei Torah on Eastern Pkwy, the long awaited bris for the Brikman twins will be held. Shachris at 9 am followed by the brisim at 10 am.

Monday morning I"YH will be the Holtzberg Bris will also be at Chovevai Torah. Shachris at 8 am followed by the Bris at 9am.

Tuesday Evening - a reminder about the 50th Yartzeit Gathering at the Kretchme.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!!


Nissan Birthday Updates

2 of Nissan - Zevi Edelman and his nephew Ari Raskin share a birthday. Chessy and Leah Deitsch have an anniversary.

4 of Nissan - Ahuva Fogelman (thanks to all those who called!)

5 of Nissan - Henya Hotlberg - one phone call for two Mazal TOvs!!!

7 of Nissan - Bryna Kosofsky celebrates a birthday

8 of Nissan - Zalmen (ben Levi) Deitsch celebrates his first birthday

10 of Nissan - Mrs. Chanie Kosofsky celebrates a birthday

13 of Nissan - Rochel (bas Mendy) Deitsch and her cousin Chaya'la (bas Levi) Deitsch celebrate birthdays

15 of Nissan - Mendel Zuker celebrates his first birthday

16 of Nissan - Dvory Deitsch and her nephew Avremel Bernstein celebrate their birthday

17 of Nissan - Avromy Mintz celebrates his birthday

19 of Nissan - Shterny Deitsch celebrates her birthday

21 of Nissan - Sara'la Mochkin celebrates her birthday

24 of Nissan - Chanie Kosofsky and Mendy (ben Sruly) Edelman celebrate a birthday

25 of Nissan - Liba (bas Shaya) Deitsch celebrates a birthday

26 of Nissan - ZC Grossbaum celebrates her birthday

30 of Nissan - Elisheva Mochkin celebrates her birthday

So Mazal Tov to all those celebrateing a Simcha this month. I would also like to wish everyone a Kosher and Happy Pesach..

If anyone would like me to e-mail them the pesach recipes - let me know. My email is Ahuvapta@aol.com


Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Monday, April 07, 2008

Mazel Tov

Mazel Tov to Henya and Yuda Holtzberg upon the birth of there son.
For the specs please see manuel

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Sunday, April 06, 2008

Want to go away for Pesach?

I am looking for someone to come to us in Colorado for the first days. We need some help for the sadarim. Email me: hindy@denverjewishcenter.com
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Hindy Mintz