Edelman Family

Monday, March 31, 2008

Birthday updates

Here we go....

Sunday - 23rd of Adar - Cyrel celebrated her birthday with an all Deitsch girls trip to Vegas!!!

Monday - 24th of Adar - Seema celebrated a birthday and Chaya Sarah & Mick celebrated their 10th anniversary!

Thursday - 27th of Adar - Nechemia Tenenbaum celebrates his birthday - and for all those that forgot to call Mendy for his (Adar 1) you get a second chance to call him now!!!

Shabbos - 29th of Adar - Chessy Deitsch celebrates a birthday

That's it for the month of Adar!!

See you in Nissan!


Wine Tasting with Shmuli

Last night Shmuli Lewis came to Gaithersburg and did Wine tasting and Spirituality and blew the people away they just loved it. One of the Balai Batim knows wine and writes a Wine column for the newspaper and he was very impressed with how much Shmuli knew.

Shluchim i would recommend bringing Shmuli to your Chabad House while he is still cheap.

Below is a clip from the event.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Purim Video

Purim Video: 24 hours with Chabad of Upper Montgomery County, MD
I put together this video. Enjoy!


Mendel Grossbaum

Purim with the Lewises

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Purim in Olympia

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Brikmans

Here is the latest family Picture!


Family Births

To those who did not find out yet - Toby and Mendel Brikman had twin boys Motzei Shabbos. Bris details to follow!!!
Mazal Tov Mazal TOv!


Purim with the Tenenbaums

Bubby and Zaidy T with Chaim Hurwitz
Mushky Lewis, Chaim Hurwitz and Ephraim Lewis
Chaim Hurwitz

Purim in Folsom CA

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Purim in Gaithersburg

Mendel and Shua Tenenbaum dressed up for purim.

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Zucker Family's Trip to Europe

Sunday before purim there was a carnival for the Frankfurt Jewish Community. Mendel had a blast, and looked adorable with his face painted at the event! On our way to the Eiffel Tower. We went to the top, and lo and behold it began snowing! The view was spectacular, worth the trip.
Mendel on the top of the Eiffel Tower
It took us a while to get the key for the shul that the Rebbeim davened in while in Paris but we were successful! Mendel got his first Alef Bais lesson while inside.
Mendel reading the Megillah. When he heard the noise at Haman, he got the shock of his life! He was unconsolable, and Berel had to give him over to Mommy.
Mendel in costume.

Berel in Concert

Berel and Baruch Tzfasman sing together in concert in Frankfurt, Germany. The concert was B'h a success! There were 300 people from their community, and a few shluchim came in special. Berel was a sensation as usual! enjoy....

Friday, March 21, 2008


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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bubbie and Zadie at Menach and Chavie Sandman's Sheva Brochos