Edelman Family

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tenenbaum Bris

For all the Edelman's that were not able to attend the bris of Yehoshua Tanchum ben Chesy Tenenbaum that took place in Gaithersburg on Tes Vov Elul,

The crowd


The Tenenbaum's of Gaithersburg

The Edelman cousins the Keilsons and Melvin from the DC area

The Zaidy and Eltere Zaidy

Click below to watch thew video of the bris.



Thursday, August 23, 2007

Mazal Tov!

First Mazal Tov of the week goes to Hindy and Avremi Mintz on the birth of their baby girl!
Second Mazal Tov goes to Chesy and Chanie Tenenbaum on the birth of a baby boy Wednesday afternoon - photo of the baby just a couple of hours old...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Rosh Hashana in Folsom ad

Monday, August 20, 2007

First Edelman relative to visit Folsom!!

We had the honor of hosting Mendy Mochkin for a quick visit on Friday, he happened to be in Folsom going with a friend to the folsom prison (to visit), it sure was exciting to have visitors!!

In other northern CA news, the Mochkins of SF, Menday Mochkin and Grossbaums of Folsom got together for a bar-b-q at the Tenenbaums of Nappa Valley, its great to have relatives around! With three Edelmans in the norther ca area - us, mochkins and wolvovskys - its def worth taking a trip out here!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mendel Tenenbaum

Mendel ben Chesy Tenenbaum taking after his father


Jewish Heritage night w/ SF Giants

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

update from Sackett Lake

Hello everyone.
It has been a while since I have posted. Some updates. I am opening a second practice location in Teaneck NJ in addition to my NYC location. Stop in, say hello, refer a friend.
It was a spectacular weekend in Sacket Lake. A wonderful Shabbos, Yossi Malamud's birthday farbrengen, some sleep, and a great Sunday at the lake. Enjoy the pics.......Asher

Monday, August 06, 2007

New Shluchim to Olympia, WA

IY"H Chavale, Sender, and I will be moving on Shlichus to Olympia, WA. We will be serving the Jewish students at Evergreen State College as well as the Jews of Thurston County.

The Thinker
