Edelman Family

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Pidyan Haben Update

Raizel, Berel and Baby Mendel Tzuker would like to extended an invitation to the Pidyan Haben which will IY"H take place this Wednesday, Pesach Sheini at 6:00 pm in Bais Menachem Nochum - 440 Crown Street. We hope to see everyone.


Friday, April 27, 2007

Mechazek Bubby and Zaidy campaign update

Mechazek Bubby and Zaidy campaign update!

The campaign is working!
Thank you all the grandchildren that called Bubby and Zaidy today.
Bubby and Zaidy said the phone does not stop ringing, and are really enjoying all the calls and support they are getting.

Keep up the great work!
Good Shabbos,

Thursday, April 26, 2007

melava malka + BBQ

Here are just a few pics.
A great time was had by all at the Melava Malka
Some of the new family were introduced, good food, and great entertainment
The BBQ the next day in NJ was pretty good as well (if I may say so myself)

Mechazek Bubby and Zaidy campaign

Mechazek Bubby and Zaidy campaign!

Due to the ongoing circumstances i would like to start a campaign that every night for the next couple of weeks at least one grandchild should call Bubby and Zaidy just to say hello.
You can also send flowers or things like that.

If anyone has any other ideas or suggestions please share them with me.
My email address is Rabbict@aol.com.

Go Yankees!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Help fo Mendy

Dear Mendy,
If you scroll down the main blog page - on your right you will see - at the end of the list of names and titles - a bos that says "I power blogger" Click it and follow directions to creat your own post. If you need help - call me in the evenings and I will talk you through it! Good Luck!


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Change of Location

The melave malka this Motzei Shabbos will be at the home of Seema and Yankel Goldstein. Please come. We look forward to seeing everyone!

Mendel Tenenbaum

Mendel ben Chesy Tenenbaum in middle of a meeting

Monday, April 16, 2007

Mendel Zucker

Mendel's first bath,sleeping soundly, with his tatty, and yup, i found my thumb!

Happy 1st birthday ZC Grossbaum!

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Sunday, April 15, 2007


Dear Family,

This Motzei Shabbos, In honor of Mick and Chaya Sarah's trip to America, Seema and Yankel are hosting a Melava Malka for all the young married and single cousins. It will be at The Goldstein home 1 hour after Shabbos is over. If you would like to bring something to the Melava Malka, please let Toby or Ahuva know what you would like to bring.

Also, The Roth's will be showing us their Earth friendly line of household and cosmetics that they sell. You are under no obligation to buy anything!!!

We cannot wait to see all of you and Chaya Sarah and Mick are excited to meet all the new cousins that joined our family in the last 2 years!!!


P.S. If you have any contributions to the Pesach Cookbook, please bring them with you to the Melava Malka - or mail them to me. THanks

Birthday Updates:

Here are the Birthday Updates till the end of the month of March:

Shabbos - 26th of Nissan - ZC Grossbaum celebrated a birthday.

Sunday - 27th of Nissan - Liba (bas Shaya) Deitsch celebrates a birthday.

Wednesday - 30th of Nissan - Elisheva Mochkin celebrates a birthday.

Thursday - 8th of Iyar - Toby and Chaya Sarah celebrate a birthday.

Mazal Tov to all those celebrating birthdays!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Dear Family,

Now that Pesach is over please send me all your recipes so that I can compile a proper cookbook for next year - please send it via e-mail or post - which ever is easier. Please do it as soon as possible so that you do not forget to do it.

Thanks a million!!


Baby Name Updates

Dear Family,

I hope everyone had a great Pesach. Here are the name updates: Levi and Miriam's baby's name is Zalmen Yuda and Raizel and Berel's baby's name is Menachem Mendel. Mazal Tov to both families.

FYI: Berel davened in 770 the last day of Pesach for Mussaf and I was told he did a great job - Yasher Koach!!!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Baby Zucker

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Our B'chor

B"h Our baby was born just 3 hours before Pesach. iy'h the bris will be in my parents house on Shvi'i shel pesach after davening.
Berel, Raizel and Baby Zucker