Dear Family,
This Motzei Shabbos, In honor of Mick and Chaya Sarah's trip to America, Seema and Yankel are hosting a Melava Malka for all the young married and single cousins. It will be at The Goldstein home 1 hour after Shabbos is over. If you would like to bring something to the Melava Malka, please let Toby or Ahuva know what you would like to bring.
Also, The Roth's will be showing us their Earth friendly line of household and cosmetics that they sell. You are under no obligation to buy anything!!!
We cannot wait to see all of you and Chaya Sarah and Mick are excited to meet all the new cousins that joined our family in the last 2 years!!!
P.S. If you have any contributions to the Pesach Cookbook, please bring them with you to the Melava Malka - or mail them to me. THanks