Edelman Family

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Kaparos in Brooklyn

As you can see, we had kaparos tonight (Motzei Shabbos) in Brooklyn -30 minutes outside Melbourne. Rosie refused to let the chicken go over her head and Naftali just couldn't get enough of it! He even watched his chicken get shechted. Elisheva was mesmorized by everything going on around her! Lots of people and very smelly.

We want to wish everyone a Gmar CHasima Tova - a gut gebentched yar. Have as easy fast everyone!

All the best

Btw - EstherK - the two girls in the blue sweatshirts are your nieces - Mina's girls.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

a few more from Chanie's wedding

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Zeide Sholom's Mishpocha

Zeide Sholom's Mishpocha
were can i see avraha moshes responce to Tzivies letter?

Nechemia Tenenbaum on Shturem

Nechemia Tenenbaum on Shturem.net

Hello From Colorado

Regards from Colorado

I know that I haven't posted in a bit;so here it goes. I'm here in colorado now by Hindy and Avremy Mintz for the high holidays with a mechuten to the family Dovid Tenenbaum . We had about 200 hundred people over yom tov. It was very beutiful and so is the weather . I definetly recomend anyone to come out here for a visit. Yesterday I made my way around from Red Rocks to the Coors brewery to a Dodgers Baseball game.Anyway today we had a visit from Peretz and Yumi Mochkin who happen to be staying by avremy's brother out in Aspen. Here are some pics hopefully more will come soon.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Birthday Correction

I apologize to Sara'la Edelman for mixing up her birthday with Sara'la Mochkin's.
Please accept my apology!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This weeks birthdays

On Tuesday, 4 of Tishrei Miriam Deitsch celebrates a birthday

Thursday, 6 of Tishrei Yakov Yisroel Tenenbaum ben Nechemia, celebrates a birthday

Friday, 7 of Tishrei Sara'la Edelman celebrates a birthday

Shabbos, 8 of Tishrei Raizel Tzuker nee Mochkin and Mendel Lewis celebrates birthdays

May everyone be blessed with a sweet and prosperous New Year.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Email address requestIf you have an email address or if you know any other family member's email address, please email it to me at goldenrozes@gmail.c

Dear Family Members,
Henie Fialkoff recently contacted me and requested that I put together a family Email list.
If you have an email address or if you know any other family member's email address, please email it to me at goldenrozes@gmail.com. As soon as it is compiled, I will forward it to everyone on the list. Thank you so much, and may we all be blessed with a gmar chasima tova, a year filled with simcha, good health, nachas, and openly revealed good from hakadosh baruch hu!
Raizel and Berel Zucker

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Gossip update

Boy - doesn't Chanie look gorgeous?!?!?!? Her wedding was so much fun - we all had a blast. It was so nice to see Altie - who popped in for the night.

those pics from the wedding are great - go Tenenbaums - for posting great pictures - but you missed posting a Mizinka Dance picture - it was so cute when Chessy came out with that big broom and starting sweeping!!!!!

Did anyone not see Bubby's New ring that Zaidy bought her just because?!?!? - wow is it a beauty.

Well my father is quite busy in Korea - koshering out a kitchen and helping the cook ( I don't know if that is such a good idea!) and also davening for about 70 non-military personnel. At Least they keep him busy!!!

Well - a Kesiva Vchasima Tova to all and a Happy and Healthy Sweet New year filled with everything good.

Ksiva Vchasima Tovah from the Mochkins, SF

Here is my great grandmother's honey cake recipe.
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 cup honey
1 1/3 cup oil
1 1/4 cup hot water mixed with 6 tsp of instant coffee
6 eggs

3 1/2 cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger
1tsp ground cloves,
1 tsp nutmeg,
1 tsp allspice
1/2 cup of brandy...whisky...scotch

Mix the dry and wet ingredients separately and then combine afterwards.
Preheat oven to 300. Bake for 1 hour.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

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some more picts...

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Chanie's wedding!

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