Edelman Family

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Tenenbaum website name change

Please note
The Tenenbaum family website address has changed to

Monday, January 30, 2006

Happy Birthday/Anniversary

The Edelman Family Blog would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Nosson Ezagui and Mendel Grossbaum (Goldie's) on the 2nd of Shevat as well as a Happy Anniversary to Rochele and Eli Raskin. Mazal Tov to everyone and may you all be blessed with everything you want and everything you don't know you want yet!!!!

Edelman Family

I just read a beautiful article by Esther Kosofsky. It was in the L'chaim...so if anyone can figure out how to post the article onto this blog I am sure everyone would enjoy it.
~Rivky Schechter

Ozzy Cuzin added:
This is a link to the article that Rivky is refering to
It can be found in the "A Slice of Life" section.

Yankel speaks in Maryland

After a beautiful Shabbos with Seema & Yankel and my sister Chanie, on Sunday Yankel spoke for the Gaithersburg community over 65 people attending, including Holly Kimball and her daughter Tracy and were wowed by Yankel and his stories they are still speaking about it today. Thank you Yankel for a great event and Seema for coming for Shabbos we really enjoyed your company.

Yankel speaking at Chabad of Gaithersburg

Some familaer faces from R to L
Chessy, Chanie holding Mendel, Seema, Chani, Tracy, Holly

History made in Maryland

After spending this past Shabbos and Sunday in Gaithersburg Maryland with Chesy Tenenbaum and family
Yankel let Seema drive the Jeep home to NY.
I asked the Goldstein family when is the last time that happened?

Picture: Seema in the driver seat Yankel in the passenger seat

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Spot the Edelman

Thanks Grossbaums for spotting this photo of Zaidy.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

More fun at Sackett Lake

Below is channah Fogelman nice and warm in her seat resting on Ahuvah. Below is our Motzei Shabbos chanukah party

above- Mendel Brikman's grand snow wall
above left- Mutty Fogelman slipping off his sled
left- Even Zeidy Goldstein joining in the fun with his grandchildren waiting in line for their turn. We had a great time!

Chanukah at Sackett Lake

This year, for Shabbos Chanukah, Yankel and Seema Golstein along with their married children, Asher and Sema Gila, Ahuvah and Mutty, and Toby and Mendel, and all grandchildren, KA"H spent a beautiful shabbos up in the snowy Sackett lake. When we arrived, the weather was beautiful and much to our surprise, on Shabbos morning the snow began to fall. It was to our benefit because as you can see from the photos, our Sunday was a ball of fun on the lake! Zeidy shoveled snow off the lake and Mutty and Asher went to Wal-mart and bought snow discs. Mendel brought block builders and with the kids they built a huge snow wall. Everyone had a great time! photo 1- Mendel and Mutty and Zeidy with kids on the lake Photo 2- singing haneiros hallalu with ZeidyIsser Brikman, Menachem Fodelman, Yosef Goldstein, Yossi Brikman, Aharon Goldstein Picture 4- more fun on the ice picture 5 fun on a sled- ari brikman in front, then Doba Brikman and then Yossi Brikman Picture 6- Mendel Brikman having fun We'll send some more!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Spot the Edelman

In a recent posting from Shmais, (Jan. 23, 2006) it showed the recent segment that National Geographic had on Lubavitch. There were a few video clips (5) to view. We were able to spot 2 relatives (Sruli Edelman and Chessy Tenebaum) on these clips. Did we miss anyone else out? Have a look at the clips and let us know.

Have a Good Shabbos

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Happy Birthday

The Edelman Family Blog Page would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Chaim & Kayla Fogelman, Who turn 4 years old on Shabbos. May they continue to be a source of Nachas to everyone! Mazal Tov!
And for anyone who sould liek we are making a Birthday Shabbos Party from 3 - 4 on Shabbos at our place. hope to see you!
Have a good Shaabos
The Fogelman's

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Good News

B"H Chessy's Mendel (Tenenbaum) is doing great. For those of us who did not know - he was in the hospital last week but was released on Monday and is doing great. Had we known we all would have called to see if there was something we could do or to just let them know that we were thinking of them. But anyway B"H all is great.

Happy Birthday

The Edelman Family Blog would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Mendel ben Yitzchok Tenenbaum. However we are all going to have to call him as his family DOES NOT have internet access!!!! So be a good cousin and call him to wish him a happy birthday. Mazal Tov to the parents - Yitzchok and Chaya Estti, grandparents- Shalom and Shternie, and great-grandparents - Bubby and Zaidy!!!


Monday, January 23, 2006

Hi from the Grossbaums

This blog is a great idea, thanx Ahuva for starting it, I look forward to seeing and hearing about what's going on by everyone.
Picture of Mendel Grossbaum - 12 months ka''h - birthday coming up Beis Shevat Iy''h (Rochele Raskins anniversary too) taken two weeks ago on our little vacation to florida - thats why there's no coats and scarves and gloves, but it was a "chilly" day in florida, even needed a light jacket, must've been just under 70! (car in the background is the car we rented, chrysler 300 series something or other (we got a good deal!) if you're looking to get a new car, this one drives like a dream, you dont feel a thing!)

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Family Update

Gut Voch everyone.

Here is a recent picture of the mob downunder. Can you tell that it's the summer time down here? Nice tanned skin.

Hope eveyone had a nice Shabbos. Peretz & Yummy did in Israel check out his blog to read all about it.

Take care and all the best

Happy Birthday

The Edelman Family bolg page would like to wish Chaya'la Wilvovsky a very happy 3rd birthday. May she grow up to be a source of Nachas to her family. Mazal Tov!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Bubby & Zaidy's Florida Trip

So we are waiting to hear how Bubby and Zaidy are enjoying themselves in warm Florida. If anyone would like to contribute so that we can all partake in the fun they are having - it would be great!!! Bubby - you could contribute also!!!!
We love you.

Happy Birthday

The Edelman Family blog page would like to wish Avrohom Shimon Ezagui a very happy birthday. (19 of Teves) May you grow up to be a source of Chassidishe Nachas to everyone. Mazal Tov!

Family in Town

So... Miriam, Chaya'le, Mendel and Mirel Deitsch arrived into Melbourne on Tuesday. It's so nice to have family in town (Don't we all know that) I went to see her last night- she looks great considering the jetlag and the 3am feasts the kids are having!! The kids were asleep so I didn't see them yet. We await Levi's arrival in 3 weeks and look forward to having the well known "Ozzy BBQ".

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Happy Birthday

We want to wish Chana'la Ezagui a very Happy Birthday today! so from all the Edelman cousins..... Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Chana'la, happy birthday to you!!!! May you grow up to be a source of Chassidishe Nachas to everyone! Mazal Tov!!!


Monday, January 16, 2006

Become a blog family member

Hello everyone,

We have changed the way articles are posted on the blog to make it easier for people to know who is updating the blog.. If you wish to contribute, email to croth@orzonline.com who will then forward an invitation for you to join the list of contributors.

If you wish to comment on an existing article, click on the comments link below the article and a pop-up window will appear allowing you to write your message and view all messages related to that article.

We look forward to your participation

Sunday, January 15, 2006


A late Mazal Tov to Toby and Mendel Bernstein on the birth of their son Dov Ber - Toby keep calling him Dov if that's what you want and eventually everyone else will too!!!!!


Edelman family

Welcome to the edelman family blog page. Please feel free to update post pictures etc so we can all keep in touch.
By the way, the following birthdays are this month ...

Esther Kosofsky,Chanaleh Ezagui,avrohom shimon Ezagui,Chayale Wilvovsky,Mendel Tennebaum ben Yitzchok, Chayim and Kayle Fogelman ben Mutty

Happy Birthday to All
Look for future postings ......