This year, for Shabbos Chanukah, Yankel and Seema Golstein along with their married children, Asher and Sema Gila, Ahuvah and Mutty, and Toby and Mendel, and all grandchildren, KA"H spent a beautiful shabbos up in the snowy Sackett lake. When we arrived, the weather was beautiful and much to our surprise, on Shabbos morning the snow began to fall. It was to our benefit because as you can see from the photos, our Sunday was a ball of fun on the lake! Zeidy shoveled snow off the lake and Mutty and Asher went to Wal-mart and bought snow discs. Mendel brought block builders and with the kids they built a huge snow wall. Everyone had a great time! photo 1- Mendel and Mutty and Zeidy with kids on the lake Photo 2- singing haneiros hallalu with ZeidyIsser Brikman, Menachem Fodelman, Yosef Goldstein, Yossi Brikman, Aharon Goldstein Picture 4- more fun on the ice picture 5 fun on a sled- ari brikman in front, then Doba Brikman and then Yossi Brikman Picture 6- Mendel Brikman having fun We'll send some more!